The Internet provider I had been using for years was just fine for me until my kids discovered video games. I didn't mind that they wanted to play because the games were educational as well. They enjoyed playing them more at my mom's house because her Internet was a lot faster, so it could handle all the graphics and changing scenes a lot better. It was very fluid for her whereas it had jerky movements on my computer. I decided to look into high speed Internet in my area because I knew as the kids continued to get older, they would want to do even more things on the Internet.
I was able to find a website that really helped me understand the differences between all of the providers. I thought that there was only one speed for each kind of provider too, but I discovered that the same provider can have different speed tiers also. Unfortunately, mine was not one of those. Thankfully though, I was able to find one that we were able to switch to in our area that was a lot quicker than what we had been getting.
When the girls started to play their games at home instead of at their grandmother's house, I knew that I had made the right choice. They even told me that the games are a lot quicker at home instead of at Grandma's, so I had her look at the same site so she could get better and quicker speeds too. We are both with a new provider now, and the girls could not be happier. It is nicer for us too, because even the things that my mom and I like to do on the Internet are a lot more pleasant now that the web pages load quicker and the videos no longer have to buffer for so long.
My Kids Discovered Video Games